
Does your insurance policy cover COVID-19 Treatment?

COVID-19 – A global pandemic declared by WHO has impacted all of us at a lot of levels; and though there is no direct vaccine available for this disease, the treatment costs along with testing costs can be quite a burden. Looking at this, the UAE government had shared General Circular Number 02 of 2020 (GC 02/2020); which outlines the obligation of insurance companies towards its clients when it comes to COVID-19 related treatment.

For Suspected COVID-19 Patients

Under the new circular, patients that present symptoms similar to symptoms of the Novel Corona Virus must be treated as regular patients until they are confirmed and diagnosed as 2019-nCoV patients.

For this, any tests required or requested prior to a confirmed diagnosis should be treated as any other case of respiratory infection. Hence, the tests are covered under your health insurance policy.

For Confirmed COVID-19 Patients

This circular also suggests that any related claims or charges from the point of confirmed diagnosis are required to be covered by the insurers and claimed by providers until further notice. Hence, your treatments for COVID-19 are covered by your insurance provider.

Want to get a health/medical insurance policy for yourself or your employees? Call us at: +971 4 386 2828